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Resource Room

The main campus recruited students with visual disabilities in 1992, and in 1994, after the number of disabled students enrolled at the university exceeded eight, we established a Resource Room. The National Hsinchu University of Education established a Resource Room in May, 1996. Following the merger of the two schools in November 2016, the Resource Room staffs at either campus began assisting any disabled student with an identification certificate from either the Department of Education or the municipality.  

heartWe now have five full-time counselors at the Resource Room. We assist disabled students with campus life, academic performance, psychological health, and career development. We help them to adjust to campus life and to complete all class requirements.   

Our Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:30~17:00.

Our Location: 

  • Main campus: 1F, Clinic & Counseling Building, 03-571-5131, ext. 35072
  • Nanda Campus: 4F, Administration Building, 03-571-5131, ext.76613, 76602 



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