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NTHU Counseling Center Service Guidelines

National Tsing-Hua University Counseling Center Service Guidelines
Amended August 1999
Second amendment December 12, 2009
Confirmed and recorded by the Student Affairs Meeting of December 21, 2009
Third amendment September 16, 2013
Confirmed and recorded by the Student Affairs Meeting of September 18, 2013
I. Mission:  
The Counseling Center ("the Center") is specially established to help students, faculty, and staff to promote and maintain mental health and psychological well-being. 
II. Organization: 
The Center shall have a director and a staff of full-time and part-time professional counselors. The Tsing-Hua University President shall be responsible for hiring persons with relevant professional qualifications.
III. Duties: 
1. The Center's director is responsible for planning and executing center affairs.
2. The Center's professional counselors shall handle preventative mental health work at three levels:
(1) Crisis management, individual counseling, and group counseling.
(2) Mental health examinations, affairs relating to high-care (high risk) students, and new student orientation and counseling.
(3) The holding of various mental health activities on campus, and training in counseling knowledge.
IV. Services: 
1. Mental health primary prevention: Holding mental health promotional and counseling activities on campus. 
2. Mental health secondary prevention: Primarily involving early detection and early intervention, including psychological assessment and diagnostic services, high risk (high-care) group screening, interventions, and necessarily referrals.
3. Mental health tertiary prevention: Crisis management and individual and group counseling services. The Center will maintain confidentiality of all case information in accordance with the law and Codes of Ethics for Helping Professionals.
4. The Resource Center provides assistance to students with an identification certificate from either the Department of Education or the municipality. Services include: personal adjustment, academic assistance, case management, and career transitions.
V. Service hours: 
1. Monday to Thursday: 9:00 - 21:00
2. Friday: 9:00 - 17:00
VI. These Guidelines, and any amendments to them, will be implemented after being approved by the Counseling Center Administration Meeting and confirmed and recorded by the Student Affairs meeting.


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