Treat myself well-- Create your own mood regulator
Treat myself well-- Create your own mood regulator(打造自己的情緒調節器)
Perceive看見 Monitor my emotional state
Embrace擁抱 Accept, and cope with my emotions.
Actions 行動 Exercise, chat with others, meditation, enjoy food, travel, reading, write a diary, and seek professional resources.
Together, we can! NTHU Counseling Center 清華大學諮商中心
Emotions aren’t defined as either good or bad. It’s a message that helps us to understand our needs, it is also our internal warning light. Emotions have three important functions to help us find suitable adjustment methods in response to internal and external environments:
Survival Function: It helps us to recognize the danger of external situations and generate appropriate responses/ assistance to cope with the environment.
Interpersonal Communication Function: It allows us to convey our true, inner feelings to others in order to either protect our rights and interests, or enhance each other's emotions.
Motivational Function: Moderate stress can greatly boost our performance. For example, the anxiety of falling behind in class can motivate us to work harder, and stimulate us to take various actions in response to the situation.
--Quote from 蔡秀玲、楊智馨(1999)。情緒管理。台北市:揚智文化。

Sleep - Take a good rest: Good sleep is an excellent way to relieve stress. Prepare yourself a comfortable, quiet sleeping environment. Meantime, reducing the usage of electronic devices can further improve your sleeping quality. When you feel frustrated or stressed, a good sleep can reduce your level of anxiety.
Exercise - Stress relief: If your body continues to move, you’ll achieve sports relief effectiveness. Walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobic exercise, hula hoop, skipping rope, doing soft exercises, shaking hands.
Empty your mind: Listening to music, walking, shopping, singing, play with pets, taking deep breaths, meditation, yoga, reading, prayers, write a diary, drawing, play the piano, DIY, wood working, practice calligraphy, carpentry, increase your body comfort with hot bath, foot bath, hot compress, massage, etc.
Go outside and enjoy the sun: Basking in the sun will help your body and brain to get back on track. Spending 20 minutes outdoors at least three times a week will not only improve your physical and mental health, but also replenish your Vitamin D.
Chat with someone: Humans are social animals and require social interactions to develop the sense of identity and belongingness. Being able to talk with people that you trust is one of the most effective ways to relieve your stress. Moreover, it helps us to build deeper, meaningful relationships with others, as well as creating an outlet to release our anxiety.
Brief Symptom Rating Scale
* This questionnaire will help you to understand the status of your mental health. Please recall the degree to which you felt discomfort by these problems during the past week (including today). Click your answers accordingly.
not at all
a little bit
quite a bit
1. Feeling tense or keyed up
2. Feeling easily annoyed or irritated
3. Feeling blue or sad
4. Feeling inferior to others
5. Trouble sleeping
0-5 points: the normal range
6-9 points: For mild emotional distress, it is recommended to talk to family or friends to express emotions.
10-14 points: For moderate emotional distress, it is recommended to seek psychological consultation or accept professional consultation.
15 points or more: For severe emotional distress and high care is required, it is recommended to seek professional counseling or psychiatric treatment.
--Quote from李明濱, 廖士程, 李宇宙等, J Formos Med Assoc, 2003. 102(10): p. 687-94.

Assistance matters
Student Assistant Division(24hr)
On campus 24-hour Crisis Center .School safety, emergency notification
03-5715131 #66666
Nan-Da Campus:0911-799474
Counseling Center
Crisis emergency contact
Main Campus #34725、34726
Nan-Da Campus #76602、76620
Division of Health service
Emergency injury management
Main Campus #43000
Nan-Da Campus #74402
Police station (24hr)
Emergency report
Ministry of Health and Welfare(24hr)
Suicide prevention
Suicide prevention
Teacher Chang
Suicide prevention

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